How to Get Creative When Designing a Gallery Wall
Author: Alyssa D'Orazio
Designing a room can be like painting a blank canvas: a completely daunting, and sometimes totally overwhelming (and expensive), task. While we may not be able to help with the painting, we know a thing or two about making a room look upscale at an affordable price.
Nothing says chic like a perfectly curated gallery wall, but what isn’t chic is all the associated photo and framing costs.
Be Your Own Photographer: Upload your own photos to TilePix to create an homage to your favorite moments. With affordable framing options, you can curate a stylish display without breaking the bank.
Feeling fancy? Upload your photos and prints on TilePix glass for an elevated look.
Add New Perspective to Your Favorite Piece of Art: Want to take your favorite print to the next level? Look no further than Splits. With the ability to split your image across multiple posters, skateboards, or TilePix you can create a larger-than-life statement piece that truly showcases your creativity.
Home decor not your thing? For anyone needing a little extra guidance in creating the perfect layout, we chatted with freelance designer Quinn Sherman, who works in interior design, for some design tips.
When it comes to gallery walls, there are important design and structure elements that help bring purpose and ease to a task that may seem overwhelming to some. With a gallery wall, you have the unique opportunity to play with the sense of scale, which is what will make your wall innovative and dynamic.
- GATHER YOUR TOOLS: The best way to start any design project is by gathering all of the necessary tools to make the process a success. As a designer and for those wanting to design their space, the reason why I like TilePix is that it makes the process practically seamless and eliminates this step altogether. Other than a tape measure, you don’t need any tools like a drill, nails, or a hammer.
- CHOOSE A THEME: For design and aesthetic, you should hone in on a harmonious mood or theme. People who are putting things in their home should live with things they like. It is a good starting point to cluster photography together or cluster graphic work together or cluster things based on themes, but every once and awhile break up that grouping. It becomes way more interesting.
- BRING ON THE CREATIVE CHAOS: For the visual and structure components of the wall, I like to think about scale as my method to the creative chaos. In proper terms, we call this big, little, small or dominant, subdominant, and subordinate scales. With a gallery wall, you have the unique opportunity to play with the sense of scale, which is what will make your wall innovative and dynamic.
- PLAY WITH SHAPES: Put big things next to little and loud designs next to simple. This is all about how much of a dynamic symphony you can produce by going into and out of the box. Remember the grid is your friend, align edges and sides with other works or find a common center line between two works that are far away.